
End of Term Karaoke

April 15, 2023

6:00 PM–10:00 PM
DC 1302


PMC End of Term Karaoke
Saturday, April 15th, 6:00 PM, DC 1302

The end of the term approaches… and we're gonna have some FUN this Saturday. You, me, PMC, karaoke, food, cereal ;))

We have the room booked the whole night, so drop in whenever to sing and vibe and have fun with your fellow PMClings and destress from exams. We're going full circle and CEREAL!! Which appeared in our first event of the term, will be returning for the last event of the term. There will also be dinner. Be there or be 🟦

Dr. Chrystopher Nehaniv AMATH Prof Talk

April 12, 2023

11:00 AM–12:00 PM
MC 2017


Classes are over! Exams are soon! And the Pure Math, Applied Math, and Combinatorics and Optimization Club is hosting our last prof talk of the term!

Here are the details:

PMATH Prof Talk with Prof. Chrystopher Nehaniv
Time’s Multiple Arrows:
Navigating the Complexity of Discrete Dynamical Systems with Algebraic Intelligence

Time: Thursday, April 12, 11:00-12:00
Location: MC 2017

Abstract: Time in dynamical systems can have multiple dimensions when there are various kinds of different basic events that can occur. Models of time share a grammatical property: the associative law for transformations due to sequences of events. This leads naturally to the study of semigroups of transformations as well as groups of permutations as models of time for different dynamical systems. The algebraic structure (semigroup or group - the latter arises for systems with reversible dynamics because elements have inverses) can be subjected to mathematical coarse-to-fine grading theorems (Krohn-Rhodes decomposition or Frobenius-Lagrange decomposition, respectively). These algebraic results lead to hierarchical formal models of understanding, which fall out of the mathematics and provide coordinate systems for navigating their dynamics.

We (or AI agents) can then manipulate, predict and understand dynamical systems computationally using these models. Application areas include permutation puzzles, symmetry and conservation laws in physics, games, genetic regulatory networks, petri nets, biomedical and neuroscience models, and other discrete dynamical systems.

Good luck for exams, and we hope you'll take a break from busy studying to listen to some applied mathematics :)

Remington Zhi
VP Prop

Over 9000

April 6, 2023

4:00 PM–8:00 PM
STC 0040


The classic Pure Math, Applied Math, and Combinatorics & Optimization Club contest is back! Contestants will be answering the age old question: is this bloody thing over or under 9000?

Time and place and other such information…

Over 9000, Winter 2023

Time: Thursday, April 6, 4:00pm
Location: STC 0040
There will be prizes!!

For those of you who don't yet know how Over 9000 works, there will be a series of questions defining N, and contestants must determine/guess/divine whether N is above or under 9000. Teams with the most right answers or most wrong answers win.

No sign up form this time, just come and sign up at the event!

CO Prof Talk: Douglas Stebila

March 9, 2023

4:30 PM–5:30 PM
QNC 2501


Prof Talk! Again!

Here are the details:

PMATH Prof Talk with Prof. Nico Spronk
A Better Integral

Time: Thursday, March 16, 5:00-6:00
Location: MC 4040
Food: Snacks! (members only)

Let's hear Prof. Spronks give us a sneak peak at what the better integral will be:

Abstract: I will give a brief introduction to the method of defining integrals due, independently, to Henstock and Kurzweil. The definition is basically a souped-up version of the Riemann integral, with a modified order of selection. This integral does everything we may wish an integral to do: it covers the Riemann integral and the Lebesgue integral, it admits a strong form of the fundamental theorem of calculus, and monotone and dominated convergence theorems. I will illustrate with examples.

Remington Zhi
VP Propaganda

PMath Entrepreneurship AMA with Rob Madej

February 13, 2023

4:30 PM–6:00 PM
DC 1302


On February 13th at 4:30 pm in DC 1302, the Math Innovation Office is bringing Robert Madej (BMATH, Pure Mathematics H (1992); MMATH, Pure Mathematics (1994)) to Waterloo to share his experience in entrepreneurship. This will be an Ask Me Anything event where you can ask Robert any questions you may have about ways to apply your experience in Pure Math to entrepreneurial ventures and anything else you may be curious about.

After that, there will be a social reception with lots of free food where you get an opportunity to socialise and talk with other students, faculty members, and Robert himself.

This is a registered-only event, so please follow this link to sign up.

Hope to see you there!

Short Attention Span Math Seminars

February 10, 2023

3:00 PM–3:00 PM
DC 1302


Greetings more, O Congregation,

The Pure Math, Applied Math, and Combinatorics & Optimization Club has, in its infinite capacity, ordained one SHORT ATTENTION SPAN MATH SEMINARS. The preparations have been made by the Club Triumvirate to carry out this divine order.

This event will run from Friday, February 10th at 3:00pm until Saturday, February 11th at 3:00pm. You may depart and return between talks whenever you would like, but good fortune and revelation awaits those enlightened who attend the event in full.

The itinerary for our gathering is prescribed as follows:

Time Speaker Title Abstract
3:00 PM Awab Qureshi Generating Beautiful Math Animations with Python and Manim We explore briefly how popular math youtubers such as 3blue1brown code animations to explain mathematical ideas using python and manim (basic python knowledge is assumed) (this talk will feature more high level code and less ground breaking mind shattering math)
3:30 PM Utkarsh Bajaj Noether's theorem and gauge symmetries Noether's theorem is arguably the most important mathematical result in physics, which led to the development of field theory. This talk will state and prove Noether's theorem, exploring its consequences in terms of symmetries, fields, and particles.
4:30 PM Daniel Xiang Category Theory Demystified: A Friendly Introduction to Abstract Nonsense Category theory studies mathematical objects and their relations in a general setting. It has a reputation for being abstruse and abstract, but I will convince you in this talk that categories are not your enemy. One of the main focuses of this talk is the Yoneda lemma, which is simple but extremely profound theorem in category theory. We will also discuss an important application of it in algebraic geometry: the theory of moduli spaces.
5:30 PM Nicky Thinking like an algebraic geometer: How to visualize any ring, and why you should care Classical algebraic geometry is all about the solutions to polynomial equations; we can study a circle by studying the polynomial \(x^2 + y^2 - 1\), we can study a torus by studying a certain quartic. Modern algebraic geometry is all about these crazy things called schemes, with a ton of abstract machinery. In this talk, I'll present an easy introduction to affine schemes, to classical varieties, and discuss how the former generalize the latter.
6:00 PM Nadine Rigvar Type Theory and the Curry-Howard Correspondence A discussion of how, under the right lens, types and proofs can be viewed as equivalent
6:30 PM Siddhartha Bhattacharjee Klein-Gordon Theory and Its Application to Newtonian Gravitation In this talk we will construct the Klein-Gordon Theory for scalar fields from symmetry arguments in the language of classical field theory. Then, we will apply the theory to Newtonian gravitation to formulate it as a Lagrangian field theory. Doing so will reveal subtleties about the working of gravity and its relation with matter fields.
7:00 PM Vincent Macri James Tanton's Exploding Dots We do all of K-12 math in 30 minutes.
7:30 PM Kavin Satheeskumar State Estimation Proudly Sponsored by the Waterloo Rocketry Team
8:00 PM Parsa Salimi Dancing links solve your sudoku troubles Dancing links are a fun data structure that I know nothing about. They can solve lots of things, including sudoku and lots of other combinatorial problems. I will either talk about the sudoku aspect or focus on the data structure for combinatorial problems. Not decided yet. But it will be fun.
8:30 PM Henry Li Untitled A not so boring talk about everything but math.
9:00 PM Evan Girardin Evan talks PL I'll talk about something relating to programming languages.
9:30 PM Oscar Patron Fonseca On the Gromov-Hausdorff distance Metric spaces are objects of interest in MATH, we would wish to understand how similar one space is to another. By considering the class of all compact metric spaces and regarding them as points we are able to define the Gromov-Hausdorff distance.
10:30 PM Kieren Vitu Mathematical models for political science In this talk, I will present how mathematical modelling may be used to describe behaviour forecast outcomes in the political sphere.
11:00 PM Georgia Berg Let's Make A Deal Let's Make A Deal, originally hosted by Monty Hall, makes a SASMS appearance. Audience members compete to solve math problems, make deals, and play games to win (questionable) prizes from behind some mathematically interesting curtains.
12:00 AM Tian Chen The One Definition of a Limit In a calculus class, you'll see many definitions of a limit:
- the limit of a sequence
- the limit of a function at a point (from the left/right)
- the limit of a function at positive/negative infinity
- the limit of a function/sequence being positive/negative infinity
… and so on.
Did you know that all of these can be unified into one definition? We'll motivate the idea of a filter on a set and use it to unify all the "for all _, there exists _ such that …"-type statements such as:
- all the limits
- things happening frequently and eventually
- big-O notation???
Maybe, time permitting, you'll see a definition of compactness with filters too.
12:30 AM Maya Gusak Riemann Roch Theorem: What Math Should Actually be Like This should be a cute intro to algebraic geometry. Accessible (hopefully).
1:00 AM Maya Gusak What if you were a grade 9 student (and I was your cute Math Circles presenter) I'm giving a couple seminars for Math Circles and have an activity involving marshmallows (not kosher) that desperately needs testing out on a large, competent group of individuals. That or I'll talk about the Riemann Roch Theorem
1:30 AM Cameron Peters Nullity To help improve listeners' understanding of the nullspace of a matrix, I will turn the lights off and silently sit at the front of the classroom for at an indeterminate period of time no shorter than 45 minutes.
2:00 AM Thomas Karabela Recurrence of primes (literally) In my talk, I will discuss a specific recurrence relation which relates prime numbers to the index of the recurrence relation. This recurrence relation has many interesting properties, but I will mostly be focusing on dissecting this recurrence relation and how it relates to primes numbers. I will also go over a brief history, so as to give credit to all people involved in tis recurrence relation.
2:30 AM Kevin Trieu Saturday Morning Live I will do the impossible and try to make math funny.
3:00 AM Angel Qu Intro to Model Theory We apply basic model-theoretic techniques to obtain short proofs of famous results, including Hilbert's Nullstellensatz.
3:30 AM Awab Qureshi A totally normal calc 101 delta-epsilon proof Welcome everyone to Calc 101. Today we will be doing some basic delta-epsilon proofs! Remember for all delta > 0 we must choose an epsilon… Later we might even learn how to differentiate with respect to 3….
4:00 AM Daniel Matlin Google Sheets and Giggles Google Sheets is a programming language. Google Sheets is a functional programming language. Google Sheets is a mostly-pure functional programming language with some side effects. Google Sheets is a lazily-evaluated mostly-pure functional programming language with some side effects. Google Sheets can take external input and produce external output.
4:30 AM Kevin Trieu The Graphics Pipeline I'll walk through the basic math behind pretty much every 3D game made for the last three decades, and only hand wave a little bit of linear algebra.
5:00 AM Adam Jelinsky Can Baba is You be used to solve the Riemann Hypothesis? Here I will give a proof of how one could in theory prove or disprove in finite time the Riemann Hypothesis using the video game "Baba is You".
5:30 AM Nicole Planeta and Adrien Fraser Some songs Featuring acoustic guitar and accordion
6:00 AM Evan Girardin Evan talks PL, again I'm going to talk about programming languages again.
6:30 AM Tam An Le Quang subsets of real numbets i define all of them
7:00 AM Mattias Ehatamm Formalism and Formalization A brief introduction to the philosophy of mathematics, formalization of mathematics, and how the philosophy of mathematics affects current efforts towards formalization.
7:30 AM Chiko Ai The connection between analysis and group theory As it turns out, there is a surprising formulation of analysis in the terms of the theory of groups! I will try to motivate this and give you some details.
8:00 AM Tian Chen The Method of Moving Points or Possibly the Largest Meme in Olympiad Geometry I'll (probably, maybe) introduce/explain
- projective planes
- cross ratio (on points, pencils of lines, conics)
- harmonic bundles
- various theorems and lemmas
- projective transformations and involutions
Finally, we will learn the "Method of Moving Points" and apply them to Olympiad problems
9:00 AM René Roy Something about graphs Something about graphs
9:30 AM Laura Cao Cool things about strongly regular graphs If you've studied any graph theory, you've (probably) heard of what a regular graph is. There's a specific type of regular graph called a strongly regular graph with some very interesting properties. In this talk, I'll be showing you some of these properties, as well as (if time allows) demonstrating the unexpectedly wide applications of these graphs.
10:00 AM Huck Kim Mathematical Go Learn how the game of Go and math play together
10:30 AM Connor Baetz Everything you've never wanted to know about musical tuning Deranged ramblings about tuning systems from around the world, across time, and across mathematics.
11:00 AM Layth Al-Hellawi Introduction to Computability Theory My talk will cover an overview of the field of computability theory, as well as a few basic results. I would cover some brief history, discuss Turing machines, the parameter and recursion theorem, commonly encountered classes for relational forms of sets, and notions of equivalence and reduction and the jump theorem. I think that would take me to one hour, but additional time would allow me to cover the use principle, domination properties, and simple sets.
11:30 AM Dina Mantelli LEARN as a Programming Language I'm not joking.
12:00 PM Stefan Frunza A Brief History of Operator Theory We give a brief overview of how the field developed, from generalizations of finite dimensional linear algebra, to historical anecdotes of its progression.
1:00 PM Freeman Cheng The \(K_0\) group for \(C^*\)-algebras Can two seemingly disparate mathematical objects, \(B(H)\) and \(C([0,1])\), share the same underlying structure as Hilbert spaces? This intriguing question will be the central focus of this talk as we develop the theory of the \(K_0\) group for \(C^*-\)algebras and discover the answer: no, they can never be isomorphic. Though the result may be anticlimactic, the journey to it will shed light on the unique properties of these mathematical objects and deepen our understanding of \(C^*-\)algebras.
1:30 PM Oscar Patron Fonseca A Characterization of \(\mathbb Z/p^n\mathbb Z\) modules Using Linear Algebra as a tool for Group Theory
2:00 PM Nicky Why you should do analysis on vector spaces: An introduction to Functional Analysis In first and second year linear algebra, the linear algebra of finite dimensional vector spaces is introduced. Lots of theorems work out nicely by inducting on a basis, and we can't do this in infinite dimensions; however, there are lots of interesting infinite dimensional vector spaces! In this talk, I'll talk about interesting examples of infinite dimensional vector spaces, and some of the tools we use to study them. This will involve some analysis, some algebra, but all of it will be elementary!

Meals and snacks shall be supplied at regular times as deemed appropriate by the Triumvirate.

Come, for you have been called.
Feast, for you shall be fed.
Receive, for here is the Word.

PMATH Prof Talk

January 12, 2023

5:00 PM–6:00 PM
MC 2035


Hey there sexy…

How about's… you and me… Thursday night… go down to the PMC PMATH Prof Talk together? There'll be some magic for sure…

Here are the details:

PMATH Prof Talk with Kevin Hare Magical Properties of Cantor Sets

Time: Thursday, January 12, 5:00-7:00 Location: MC 2035 Food: Snacks?? (members only)

Wait, hold on a second -- this talk is based on recent publications! Here's an abstract:

*In this talk we will introduce and discuss the middle third Cantor set, as well as some of its unusual properties. These properties help motivate the following “result”:

"Theorem": Consider the (middle third) Cantor set. Then,

1) If a result in real analysis is true for the Cantor set, then it is (probably) true in general, and

2) If a result in real analysis is not true in general, then it is (probably) not true for the Cantor set.

*We will then look at an old result of Steinhaus from 1917 about adding a Cantor set to itself, and ask how this result can be generalized.

Cheers! Hope to see you there PMClings!

VP Propaganda

Disorganizational Meeting

January 12, 2023

6:15 PM–7:15 PM
MC 2035


Hi cutie!

Have YOU ever wanted to organize your very own prof talk? Purchase sugary drinks? Author propaganda? Embezzle funds? Unilaterally declare war against sundry foreign powers? Become privy to the coveted PMC office door code? Well, this is the event for you…

Come one, come all: we'll be holding our termly disorganizational meeting Jan 12 at 6:15pm in MC 2035 to democratically elect and deisgnate the all-powerful and revered Executive Team of The Pure Math, Applied Math, and Combinatorics & Optimization Club for the Fall 2022 term. All members in attendance shall be granted voting privileges, and anyone may run for any executive position.

I hope to see you there tomorrow to exercise your constitutionally-endowed democratic rights!

See you there ;)